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Let the Empowerment Begin!
Repeated studies conducted over many decades have shown that parents remain the most influential factor in determining whether their kids use or abuse drugs. Although peer pressure, social pressure, curiosity, commercial marketing and other factors ensure a strong and steady pull towards recreational substance use, the developmental advantage still resides with a concerned and competent parent.
If you are here, you are clearly "concerned", but don't let that sentiment be perceived as "fear". Some simple practices, a little bit of knowledge and the right mindset can make a DRAMATIC difference in how your child is affected by the recreational drug market. You are already doing more than most parents. I hope you felt warm reassurance as you read that, because it's true and your children will surely benefit from it. This page will empower you to do more, and to be more than a mere spectator on the sidelines as your developing teen develops their perceptons of drug use.
Start by exploring these tools on the right...
Drug Proof Home E-Book
This quick and informative e-book is packed with research, tips and techniques to help you quickly orient yourself towards research-based best practices in your home. Remember, there is no cooke-cutter approach to drug prevention, but if you stick close to proven methods, your chances of success will skyrocket!
Download the E-Book!
There are some incredible resources in this section. Just learning about them will be a wealth of information for you. Get going!
Horizontal Gaze...What?! (Video Above)
If you've recently attended one of our live prevention seminars, you were shown how to easily detect alcohol use through a technique called Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. For teenagers, this can reveal even small amounts of alcohol.
The basic method is described in the worksheet below. The video above is a close-up of what you will see when alcohol is present.
*Note that nystagmus can also result from other depressant drugs, inhalants, PCP, or prior head trauma. To rule out the presence of natural nystagmus, simply perfom the test once ahead of time, when there is no chance of intoxiation. Most people do not show nystagmus unless intoxicated.
Download Instructions for HGN!
Simple Sobriety Tests That Work
You need more than intuition to detect drug use. More importantly, both you and your kids need to have confidence that you are capable of catching their mistakes early. This isn't hard. Our simple sobriety tests will help.
Download Simple Sobriety Tests!
This is a cool one! Download this printable PDF. Print it out and you will have a calibrated and functional pupilometer. Not only that, but this one comes with instructions on how to use it, and what the findings may mean.
What's a pupilometer? It's a device that measures the size of the human pupil. It's used by drug recognition experts to detect symptoms of drug use. You certainly don't need to be an expert to use it though. Enjoy!
Download the Pupilometer!
It's normal to have questions about alcohol's affect on the human body. Did you know that you can predict how much alcohol will affect a person? This handy chart can be used as a discussion starter, or as a prevention tool for young adults.
Download the Drunk-O-Meter!
Drug Symptom Matrix
If you're starting to notice some changes in your child, and specifically suspect drug use, this Drug Matrix may help. It can help you interpret symptoms and hone in on some of the more common recreational drugs. Keep in mind that prescription drugs and synthetic drugs often have less-predictable symptoms.
Download the Drug Symptom Matrix!
The Hug Technique
It's very important for teens and young adults to be greeted when they come home. For starters, it shows that you care. It gives the family an opportunity detect and download any tensions from the day. It also gives you a critical opportuinty to detect drug use.
Did you know that the most common time for teens to use drugs is immedialtely after school? If you don't greet them, the problem could easily sneak right by you.
Review the Hug Technique!
Hosting Clean Teen Parties
Kids just wanna have fun! Sometimes that fun involves risky behavior and underage drug use. It can be very hard to host a clean teen party these days, but we've got some tips that will help. Take a look, and party-on.
*This resource has not been updated to address Vaping.
Download: Hosting Clean Teen Parties!
Conversations Starters: Understanding Addiction
What you don't know...
Each year, Tim travels the country talking to hundreds of thousands of students, patients and other audience members about the topic of substance abuse and addiction. Their voices continue to add tremendous color and clarity to his own education and experience. In these videos, Tim shares some of that perspective with you, and encourages you to pass it on.
Until you are confronted by the imposition of substance abuse, it is very easy to ignore. It is easily eclipsed by the pro-drug messaging of pop-culture and the commercialized propaganda of the recreational drug industry.
Tragically, by the time substance abuse commands your attention, you are likely already suffering and already facing a long journey towards recovery for yourself or a loved one. If more people could clearly understand the contrast between a life surrounded by drug use, and one lived completely free from it, we could perhaps end the terrible suffering that has engulfed each of our most recent generations.
The videos on the right explain substance abuse in some intimate terms that everyone should be familiar with. They also highlight the different mindset that is often found in those who choose to live life Drug Free! "I Believe" was written by Tim, and is a direct depiction of the evolution he experienced as a teenager.
There's More To Life! E-Book & Audiobook
The teen and young adult world is saturated with impusivity, materialism and a daily press to gain social popularity. It is also the focal point for marketing strategists and social medial influencers, hoping to insert recreational drug use into the values and life-choices of their future customers. It is entirely expected that our kids will be powerfully influenced by these trends.
But there is far more to life than these pop-culture values imply. Years ago, Tim wrote and E-Book, and recorded an Audio-Book, for teens who may be interested in exploring the drug-free lifestyle. It's a quick read or listen, and there are exercises that may help start conversations with your family.
Download The E-Book!
Download The Audio-Book!
It is important for kids and parents to gain an understanding of substance abuse and addiction. These brief videos can help.
This is just the begining!
You Need to Know More...
For over 15 years, our media company has delivered compassionate and compelling keynotes to professional conferences, parent groups, schools, colleges and camps. Many of these programs are available in person, or for On-Demand Access-Anytime home use. Your school district may purchase a license to any or all of these programs for you to enjoy. You may also purchase access to any program, at any time, as a private purchaser.
We hope you can use these upbeat, energetic materials to help you and your loved ones
View the video for more on this topic...
Workshops for the Classroom or Homeschool!
Are you a parent or teacher that needs an outstanding resource to support your critical lessons? We produce wonderful online workshops, complete with videos and collaborative exercises that help you cover these topics with stunning clarity. Access and use them On-Demand and on your schedule! Preview this amazing on-line workshop for Vaping Prevention for example. Several other topics are available.
Of course you also have the option of having Tim Shoemaker join your class via Zoom, where he will take the lead and help you open the door to high-impact instruction!
Contact us to learn more!
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