This frist section describes the types of promotional materials and how they are used. Scroll down the page to select and download the media that you want.

Biography and Intro
Tim does not request any formal introduction for any event. We keep it simple!

But if you feel that an intro is appropriate for your audience or your event format, please refer to the file below. Edit as you wish.

Download Bio and Course Descriptions

Flyers and Invites
These preformatted files may be downloaded as PDF or JPG files. There are several blocks reserved for you to edit as you wish. Import the files into Acrobat or Word, insert your text bow and add your copy.

Digital Dilemma Flyer for PDF
Digital Dilemma Flyer for WORD
Digital Dilemma Flyer JPG

Vaping Prevention Flyer WORD Version
Vaping Prevention Flyer PDF Version

Animated GIFS

These are short-motion images that can be added to emails and social media posts. (The Email version is a smaller file at lower resolution.) Simply insert the file into your message as an IMAGE.


These are short video promos for our courses. You can link to them, share them or embed them on your site. Click the share button, then right-click the video link to copy or download.

Still Photos

These still images can be added to your emails, posts or printed material. Right-click to download.

B-Roll Footage

This 4K footage can be used in your edited film production/materials. Click the share button, then right click the video link to download. You can then edit and process the footage into your project.

Vaping Photo

Social Media Photo 

Safe Celebrations

Resiliency Photo

College Safety

Digital Dilemma GIF 1

Digital Dilemma GIF 2

Digital Dilemma GIF 3

Digital Dilemma GIF 4

Digital Dilemma GIF 5

Digital Dilemma GIF 6

Vaping Prevention 

Vaping Prevention

Vaping Prevention 

Vaping Prevention

Raising Resiliency GIF

Raising Resiliency GIF

Raising Resiliency GIF


D-Dilemma Promo

Title Use B-Roll

Resiliency B-Roll

Title Use B-Roll