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Join us for an unusually entertaining and spectacularly informative evening, where we will review the exciting prom preparations being undertaken to keep our kids safe this year. Unfortunately, the festive prom season is historically the deadliest time of year for high school aged kids. We are coming together to make sure that only great times and good stories are left behind this year in Roxbury.
Our speaker, Timothy Shoemaker, is a nationally recognized prevention expert who is particularly adept at keeping these topics as enjoyable as they are informative. A former police officer, he exposes the crazy ways that our kids tend to get themselves into trouble during prom season. From hair-razing tales of deadly disasters, to absolutely hilarious foibles that he’s encountered over the years, Tim keeps it light, upbeat and enthusiastically positive.
Let’s keep this year’s prom season in line with those goals, upbeat and enthusiastically positive. Please do your part by joining us at this critical class. Become part of the team that will help protect your kid’s during this particularly risky time!