Nicely Done!
Staff in Service Training on Vaping
Quickly learn how to identify different types of vapes, see how kids hide vapes in class, understand how to safely handle vaping products and learn what drugs kids are vaping.
How To Secure Your Digital Life
This must-see course teaches both Teens & Parents how to avoid getting hacked, exposed, exploited and extorted online. See this course NOW, before it's too late.
What Students Need to Know About Resiliency
Learn specific techniques for improving resiliency and confidently addressing the challenges in your life.
What Students Need to Know About Vaping
Students learn about the dangers of vaping, the history of Big Tobacco and the life-long curse of nicotine addiction.
What Families Need to Know About Screentime
Help teens & parents understand the dangers of screen time and social media. Become a good digital citizen and avoid online predators.
How to Monitor and Protect Your Child Online
Quickly learn how to monitor and promote safe screentime limits. Build partnerships and protect your kids online.
Share These Courses With Your Students
See how easy it is for teachers or group leaders to share these courses with their students. Discounted group tuition, monitor progress and completion in real time!
Coping With Covid
Now Free! Helping students cope with the challenges presented by our changing COVID restrictions. Our popular On-Line wellness program is now free for all.
Understanding Addiction
A brief introduction to the terrible affliction of addiction. What students and parents need to know.
Safe Celebrations
An On-Line adaptation of our acclaimed Prom Season Prevention Program! What students and parents need to know in order to ensure safe celebrations.
College Campus Safety Tips
What college students need to know, before they go. Taught by a former University Police Officer.